gate - Arched top with fluer de
lys finials
Previous Page
Price £340 (as photo
above & description
below) |
To fit opening of
(approx): 90cm (3')
wide x 2m (6'6")
high |
This gate will be
painted in two coats of
semi-black (metal)
paint. |
For different sizes
/ finishes etc please
see our - specifications
page. |
We also make wall
brackets and many
different types of posts |
For delivery details
see our delivery
information page. |
© R Tatam Blacksmith - Moat Farm, Saxmundham Road, Framlingham, Woodbridge, Suffolk IP13 9PJ
gates / posts / driveway gates /
small gate / side gate / heavy
duty gates / tall driveway gates
/ arched top gates / gate posts